
Online Dating Safety


Online dating has become increasingly popular over the past decade, with millions of people turning to apps and websites in hopes of finding a meaningful connection. However, with the convenience and access of online dating comes risks. It’s important to keep safety in mind when interacting with strangers online.

This article provides helpful security tips for navigating the world of online dating safely and avoiding potentially dangerous situations. While most people online are well-intentioned, scams and inappropriate behavior do occur. Being informed and taking precautions can help minimize your exposure to unwanted encounters. With some common sense and caution, online dating can be fun and fruitful. The goal of this article is to empower daters with knowledge to date smarter and protect themselves in the process.

Use Different Usernames

It’s important to use different usernames across different dating sites and apps. Using the same username everywhere makes it easy for someone to search for you and gather more information about you than you may want to reveal.

For example, if you use “OutdoorLover123” on Tinder and also on Instagram, it would be easy for someone to search that username and find your Instagram account. From there, they could see photos of you as well as determine your full name if you have it listed in your bio.

To avoid this, create unique usernames for each dating site or app you use. You don’t have to get overly creative, simply add numbers, initials, or other variations to your standard username.

So instead of using “OutdoorLover123” everywhere, you could be “OutdoorLover456” on one app and “OL789” on another. This makes it more difficult for someone to connect the dots and find you across multiple platforms.

Keeping your usernames distinct is an easy way to maintain more privacy and anonymity in online dating. Don’t offer up connections to your other social media or online profiles unless you’re comfortable doing so. Your safety should always come first when navigating online dating.

Be Wary of Scams

Online dating scams are unfortunately common. Here are some of the most common scams to watch out for:

Romance Scams

The most prevalent online dating scam is the romance scam, where a scammer builds a relationship with you to gain your trust and affection, then asks for money or gifts. They may use excuses like needing money for a medical emergency, business investment, or travel costs. Be very cautious of anyone asking for financial help or attempting to isolate you from friends and family.


Catfishing is when someone pretends to be someone else online using fake photos and profiles. They manufacture an attractive persona to manipulate a victim. Never send money to someone you haven’t met in person and do reverse image searches on their photos.

Extortion Scams

Extortion scams start with scammers luring victims into sharing intimate photos or details, then threatening to share them publicly unless paid off. Never share anything with a stranger that you wouldn’t want made public. Limit sharing personal information until trust is established.

Underage Scams

Some scammers prey on innocent dating app users by claiming to be under 18 or posing as parents demanding money for an encounter. Avoid flirting before verifying age and immediately cease contact if someone claims to be under 18.

Stay vigilant against manipulation and verify people’s identities through video chats and social media before meeting in person. If anything seems suspicious, stop communicating with them.

Don’t Share Personal Info

When you first start chatting with someone on a dating app or site, avoid sharing personal details like your full name, address, phone number, place of work, etc. It’s important to protect your privacy in the early stages of getting to know someone. Share the minimum amount of information needed to have a conversation.

As you get to know someone better over time, you can gradually open up more once you feel comfortable. But especially in the beginning, limit the personal facts you reveal. Don’t include your last name, home address, phone number, or other identifying details in your dating profile. Be wary of someone who asks for a lot of personal information soon after meeting.

For first in-person meetings, consider meeting in a public place rather than inviting them over to your home. Don’t share details about your daily routine or places you frequent. Keep personal info limited until you establish sufficient trust in the other person. Safety should be the top priority when interacting with a stranger online. Avoid putting yourself at risk by oversharing personal details too fast. Take your time getting to know someone first.

Meet in Public

Meeting someone for the first time can be exciting, but you should always put safety first. When meeting an online date for the first time, it’s essential to choose a public place. Never agree to meet at their home or invite them to yours.

Public spaces like restaurants, cafes and parks allow you to meet and get to know each other in a comfortable setting, while also keeping risk to a minimum. If your date makes you feel uneasy or pressures you to go somewhere private, you can leave at any time. Let a friend know where you’re going and when you plan to return home.

First dates with a stranger from the internet carry inherent risks. Selecting a busy, well-lit location gives you the chance to observe them and interact safely. If anything seems strange, you can make an excuse to leave quickly. Meeting in a public space also means there will be other people around in case you need help.

Ultimately, your personal safety should be the top priority. Take precautions like driving yourself, charging your phone and sharing your location with a friend. If possible, do a video call before meeting face-to-face. Follow your instincts and don’t feel pressured to do anything you’re uncomfortable with. A public first date allows you to get to know someone while minimizing risk.

Tell Friends About Your Date

When going on a date with someone you met online, it’s important to let friends know where you’ll be and who you’ll be with. This way, someone else is aware of your plans in case anything goes wrong.

Before the date, inform a close friend or family member about when and where you are meeting the person. Share details like the other person’s name, phone number, and any social media profiles you may have access to. Provide the name and address of the location where you are meeting.

Give your friend as much identifying information about your date as possible. Also be sure to let your friend know when you expect to be home and to follow up with them after the date.

During the date, check in with your friend to confirm you arrived safely and everything is going okay. Some apps even allow you to share your location in real-time so your friend can monitor your whereabouts.

If at any point you start to feel uncomfortable, let your friend know immediately. Have an exit strategy planned where your friend can call with an “emergency” so you can politely leave the date if needed.

Telling someone about your date and when/where you’ll be helps ensure your safety when meeting a new person from online dating. Don’t be shy about sharing details – responsible friends will understand it’s for your protection.

Drive Yourself

When meeting someone for the first date, it’s best to drive yourself to the location. This gives you full control over your transportation for the date. If your date picks you up, you are then dependent on them for a ride back home. It also reveals your address to someone you just met. Driving separately allows you to leave whenever you want if you feel uncomfortable. You won’t have to awkwardly wait for your date or ask them to take you home early. Having your own car also makes it easier to leave quickly in case of an emergency. Always have cash on you for a taxi just in case. Park in a well-lit area and lock your car. After the date, wait until your date has driven off before going to your car. Stay aware of your surroundings when leaving. Let a friend know where you are going and when you plan to be home. Driving yourself on the first few dates is the safest option when meeting someone new online.

Stay Sober

When meeting someone new, it’s best to stay sober or only have 1 drink. Alcohol can impair your judgment, lower your inhibitions, and make you an easier target for someone with bad intentions. Avoid drinking too much so that you stay alert and aware of your surroundings.

If your date pressures you to drink more than you want, see this as a red flag. A considerate person will never force or coerce you to overindulge.

Staying reasonably sober also allows you to drive yourself home safely afterwards. Always keep your wits intact and avoid relying on your date for a ride.

Err on the side of caution when alcohol is involved. Enjoy your date’s company with a level head, and don’t allow drinking to cloud your instincts.

Protect Your Devices

With online dating, you’ll likely be using your phone and computer more to communicate with matches. Be sure to take steps to protect your devices in case someone you meet has bad intentions.

Set strong passwords and passcodes on your devices. Don’t use obvious passwords like your birthday or patterns. Opt for longer, more complex passwords that would be difficult for someone else to guess. You can use a password manager app to generate and store secure passwords.

Enable two-factor authentication on accounts when possible. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring you to enter a code from another device when logging in.

Don’t save passwords or login information on public computers. Also be cautious of using public WiFi to access dating sites and apps, as it’s easier for hackers to steal your information on unsecured networks.

Log out fully after using dating sites and apps, especially on shared devices. Don’t just close the app or browser – make sure to fully logout so the next user can’t access your account.

Keep your devices locked when not in use. Set your phone and computer to auto-lock after a short period of inactivity.

By taking these precautions, you’ll reduce the risk of someone maliciously accessing your dating accounts or personal information through your devices. Protecting your technology is an important part of staying safe with online dating.

Listen to Your Instincts

Trust your gut when meeting someone for the first time. Don’t feel obligated to stay if something feels off.

Arrange your first few meetings in a public space that is easy to leave. Avoid isolated areas or situations where you can’t exit comfortably.

If your date pressures you into an activity or location you’re uneasy with, listen to your instincts. Politely end the date and leave if you feel uncomfortable. Don’t worry about offending them or providing an explanation. Your safety is the priority.

Watch for controlling or anger issues. Take notice if your date doesn’t listen to your preferences or disregards your boundaries. These could be red flags for future abuse. End the encounter if you observe this type of behavior.

Stay alert to actions that don’t match words. For example, if your date claims to be interested in you but seems distracted. Or if their body language doesn’t match their verbal enthusiasm. Mixed signals like these are signs something may be amiss.

Trust your gut feeling, even if you can’t explain why you feel wary. Your subconscious may notice subtle clues that your conscious mind overlooks. Don’t feel pressured to continue a date if you have an uneasy sense something is wrong.

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